Angels & Ether Revisited

Angels & Ether 2017 is a reduction, recycling of, and reflection on the audio heap that volumes 1, 2, 3, 1.2, 4, 3.2, and 0 were. They are not new songs. They are merely the scraps I thought I could rework and polish enough to pass off as made during this century. I hope you will enjoy them.

You can purchase the album on iTunes, Amazon, listen on Spotify, GooglePlay, or stream on Soundcloud. There’s a dozen or so others you can find it on that no one has probably ever heard of.


Angels & Ether Volumes one through zero | 2000AD–2004AD

Angles & Ether began in early 2000 as a sonic arts project at Alfred University. The project energetically flailed and stumbled into a seven volume cacophony of baroquely minimalist noise, desperately mimicking music. It was the was four year blind obsession that was the soundtrack of my life. Below are the audio impressions left behind. Please don’t read any of the infographics or descriptions. Nothing there makes any sense as hard as I tried at the time. It was a sad effort to organize what ever it was that four years was about. It was completely ridiculous.

Antiquated Flash Technology Required

Antiquated Flash technology required to view and listen to this antiquated noise.


Thank You

Special thanks list below. Please forgive my sour tone. I can’t thank any of you enough for your contributions to this project, to try and pump it up to reflect how grateful I am and how wonderful the collection is because of you would only fall flat. You’re all artists and I know you understand.

Josh Chodakowsky
Andrew Deutsch
Aaron Defoe (RIP- I really miss you)
Josh Druckman
Frank Torres
Kevin Deleu
Lucas Tanner
Chris Young
That really great sound teacher I took at class with at SCAD who used to work with John Cage, who’s name I can’t remember

Bob Francht
Scott McCusker
Andre Marchand
Chris Vrenna (Sorry if I overdid it, I was a little star struck)
Amy Karle
Jax Deluca
Peer Bode
Pam Hawkins
Nemecio Ramirez
Jon Michael Rauch

Thank you for your encouragement, expertise, feedback, equipment and support. Some of you haven’t heard from me in years but your influence means so much.
And of course, thanks to Him.

Copyright 2017 | Cast The Sky